Friday, October 19, 2007

Raining Hearts

What have I seen that could be compared to you?
What have I touched like your hand?
There’s not one thing I wouldn’t do
To feel your touch again.
Jesus, take away the pain.
Com rain in me again.
Wash this soul clean
So all I am is yours;
It’s you I adore.

Lift Him up, lift Him up
Raise your hands and Lift Him up
Bless His name with endless praise.
He’ll rain down mercy and grace.
Praise the Glory of our God
Praise His wonderful works.
Let him rain down raining Hearts of Joy for you and me.
Lift Him up

What have I seen that could be compared to you?
What have I touched like your hand?
There’s not one thing I wouldn’t do
To feel your touch again.
For you are God
And God you are alone.
Holy, majestic, you are Lord
And all I am is yours.
It’s you alone I adore.

Lift Him up, lift Him up
Raise your hands and Lift Him up
Bless His name with endless praise.
He’ll rain down mercy and grace.
Praise the Glory of our God
Praise His wonderful works.
Let him rain down raining Hearts of Joy for you and me.
Lift Him up

You saw who I was and you loved me like Your son
So what now can I do But give Glory and Praise to you!

Lift Him up, lift Him up
Raise your hands and Lift Him up
Bless His name with endless praise.
He’ll rain down mercy and grace.
Praise the Glory of our God
Praise His wonderful works.
Let him rain down raining Hearts of Joy for you and me.
Lift Him up

Thursday, October 11, 2007

They Steal a kiss and run Away...

Open hearts engage each other to fill a need; a vacancy.
Oh, how he says the way he loves her
And then she’s his. For a time as this
When friends become lovers and ruin a good thing.
They say, “We need each other. Don’t you see?”
Why can’t they see the heartache
They’ll produce in each other?
When they hang up dry
After giving themselves away?
Pieces of your heart
Stay with past lovers
And there’s no getting it back
For the one who will stay by your side

A sweet kiss passed through lips
May send your mind momentarily to the sky.
To walk on clouds, but when clouds come down
They rain on your parade.
Though you think you’re in love, patience is a virtue.
‘Cause what happens if that guy or girl’s not for you?
Why can’t they see the heartache
They’ll produce in each other?
When they hang up dry
After giving themselves away?
Pieces of your heart
Stay with past lovers
And there’s no getting it back
For the one who will stay by your side.

Can you see yourself held accountable for the actions you’ve done?
If God came down to call his bride home,
would you be found blameless and pure to be his bride for life?

Because if not, there is forgiveness and grace.
Won’t you let him take the place
Of the person you think should
Be your love for good?
And let him be the one - be the one who finds your mate?
Because he loves you more than you could take.
And he wants more than someone who will simply
Appreciate you without love.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Every standard I can't Live up to Be

What's this life
if I can't find
A way to break free of the humiliating
broken thoughts I try to keep?
What's this life
if I can't have
one or two escapes from this losing person I am?

Maybe the standards set by me.
could never hold up to who I am to be.
For I am nothing of who I want to be.

I want to be the one to leave my body to fly.
I want to be one to sail the ships across the sky.
Fairy tales are much more interesting
than dealing with the reality.
Why can't I be more
than what I'm current'y?

Day by day,
night by night,
I push harder and faster
and farther than my last stride.
But still it's I
who's losing sight.

Maybe the standards set by me.
could never hold up to who I am to be.
For I am nothing of who I want to be.

I want to be the one to leave my body to fly.
I want to be one to sail the ships across the sky.
Fairy tales are much more interesting
than dealing with the reality.
Why can't I be more
than what I'm current'y?